宮國 充 (Mitsuru Miyaguni)
Bachmann(神奈川・湘南平塚)勤務中にドイツ・スイスを中心にヨーロッパ菓子の基礎を学び、その後技術を認められFavorite(東京・駒沢)、Marina de Bourson(東京・白金)にてシェフパティシエを勤める。
隅田商事株式会社(東京・表参道)へ移籍後は経営に携わる傍ら、砂糖を一切使用しない天然甘 味料のメープルだけのお菓子の開発に携わる。
地産地消を意識し、沖縄の新鮮な食材を取り入れた洋菓子を展開。また島サミット(国際会議)では、デザートを担当。お菓子 の開発指導などを行う一方、アレルギーのある小さなお子様一人一人へも対応するなど、きめ細やかな配慮が定評であった。
JOIE JOIE 326 のある沖縄・読谷村(よみたんそん)は自然が豊かで、青い海と青い空と深い緑がまだ残っている地域です。子どもを育てる上で教育に熱心な地域でもあります。
今までも、これからも、「お客様にお菓子を通して喜んでもらいたい」「お菓子を通して地域貢献したい」「家族と笑顔で過ごしたい」という気持ちでJOIE JOIE 326 を育てていきます。
Born 1970, in Naha-city Okinawa. I initially studied German and Swiss cake & pastry while working at Bachmann Hiratsuka-city, Kanagawa. Wanting to expand my experience I transferred to Favorite in Komazawa, Tokyo, and later to Marina de Bourson Shirogane, Tokyo. Working toward establishing myself as an elite pastry chef I joined the management staff of Sumida-shouji Omotesando, Tokyo and developed new cakes using naturals sweeteners, and eliminating refined sugar. In 2007 I was appointed head Pastry Chef of Busena Terrace Hotel of the Terrace Hotel Group Okinawa. I expanded my use of natural ingredients and integrated fresh Okinawan grown products into my edible creations.
Working in the metropolitan Tokyo area afforded me the opportunity to work with famous companies and highly skilled chefs to produce new and exciting sweets. I worked hard to seek my ideal vision and attain success in the world of pastry. I have had the honor to be in charge of preparing deserts for V.I.P guests, and international leaders at internationally recognized establishments. I have spent long hours working to refine and develop my skills with cake & pastry. However, after marrying and experiencing the birth of my son it has come time to review the balance between work and family. In addition, I have begun to realize the positive impact of healthy high quality food on our bodies. I started thinking about a slower pace in life, and wanting to focus on creating healthy pastries while enjoying watching my son grow up.
Yomitan-son provided a perfect location with plenty of nature, blue sea, sky, deep green, and a healthy environment for my child’s education and development. I opened JOIE JOIE 326 not solely for my work, but also for the quality of life afforded my family and children. We, JOIE JOIE 326 are growing and developing with the goal of bringing joy and quality to the lives of our customers through our healthy products, cakes and pastries. We would like to contribute the community with our products and share the smiles and joy of our family with yours. Thank you in advance, we really appreciate your support.